Automata Editor Undo Redo Open File Save File Save as SVG
Automata graph manipulation

    Double click on empty space - creates new state
    Click on a state and drag to another - creates new transition
    Click on state or transition - selection
    Ctrl + click - multiselection
    Hold Shift to move states and transitions
    Double click on a state - edit its label
    Double click on a transition- edit its label

    Delete - deletes selected elements
    M - marks selected states
    Ctrl + M - unmark selected states
    I - make selected states as initial ones (exclusively)
    F - switch on\off force-directed layout mode
    Ctrl + Z - undo a command
    Ctrl + Y - redo a command

Graph is stored in the local storage of your browser. You can
close and reopen this page - the graph will be preserved.

Contact: DmitryMyadzelets at